Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Pretty Friggin DUMB!!!!!

Don't ever tell a guy friend what you are going thru, Cuz he might think he is your friggin therapist, Instead of a friend. I never asked for his advice on this pecific thing, But he seems to think that i have. Don't get me wrong i have asked him for his advice on alot of things, But not on this one. And since he never reads my blog, WHO FUCKEN CARES, I don't.


Plain and simple, Your either my friend or your not.



But then again he hasn't even read my blog, When i read his all the time! OH WAIT He does have a job, And I don't... ALL IN ALL MY BAD....... (CHOOSE YOUR FRIENDS WISELY)
I won't metion any names, Cuz you so do know who you are.

Monday, May 19, 2008

How Stupid can one person be?

I am really tired of my niece shonda and her boyfriend mike would quit asking me for a cigarettes! I have went thru more cigarettes since thursday. And i am really friggin tired of it.
Every 30 minutes it's auntie faye i love you. And i say yeah right you do! What do you want from me? Which is a stupid question. Cuz i already know what she wants. If she thinks she is old enough to smoke then she can buy them herself. Oh wait she is not old enough! She is only 17!
Her mom is ok with it so who am i say anything about it. Just like her mom lets her 24 year old boyfriend sleep in the same room with her. Duh this might be the reason shonda is now 2 months pregnant!

Is my sister really this fucken stupid? I know the answer to this. Uhm....... YES!!!!

Here is a little Diddy my niece wrote.......

My niece miranda wrote this little diddy for me today when we were iming today.

It goes like this.............

Yea we call her mcfaye she pretty much makes my day.
You kno when she laugh she just wants to tap jared ahah.
Yea boom chick boom chick chick boom you kno when she drunk i pretty much think shes just crunk.
Sometimes i think its all fake you kno that noise she makes on a date.
Do i have to go longer cuz i think i made her ponder or maybe just tripped.
Cuz i kno she think i trippin.


If that aint love..... Then what is?

The Last Two in a half weeks........

Let's see where do i start, I will start with my sister bobbie. It all started when she started talking to this guy dan. On my yearbook. Kind of like my space just a little different. Well way different. So they start messaging back in forth no big deal. Then they start iming each other, again no big deal.....Hell i so that myself. Then they start calling each other and staying on the phone. And staying on the phone sometimes until 5 a.m. And i am thinking to myself...... I hope that she plans on paying my phone bill. She was the one making the calls to him. Which was kind of pissing me way off. Not kind of pissing me off, It was really fucken pissing me off. I told her that this dan needs to be calling her, Instead of her calling him. So after they agreed to meet. He flew here from ohio.

In the meantime...... Bobbie has had her youngest daughter taryn's dad still living here. And terry had no idea what was about to hit him. Even thou he should of known that bobbie was no longer in love with him. Since they have not slept in the same room for the past 6 years. This should be a clue. That you are not wanted.... And she has told terry on a daily basis to move out. Alot of you may not know this but my sister and i live in our father's house. He does not live here. And yes he makes all the house payments. This is a whole different story. Which i will tell later.

Anyways i was saying terry had no idea what was about to hit him. And hit him good this dan flew in on a saturday (exactly 2 weeks ago) and bobbie waited for terry to leave. and she then gets ready to go and meet this guy from the internet. And i stayed and watched her girls. A few hours go by and she comes home at midnight. And not even an hour goes by and she is back out the door. And i am just thinking to myself... Are you fucken kidding me.

She then comes home on monday..... Leaving me to deal with terry the outcome was not pretty. And i was not very happy that she put all of her shit onto me. Then she proceeds to tell me that she is in love with him... FUCKEN HELLO!!!! I said Your FUCKEN KIDDING ME! You just met the man. And your in LOVE with him. And she is now planning to move to ohio. (she is there until may 30th) and i have her girls until then. Not only did she tell me she is in love with this dan. She also informed me that they are already talking about getting married! I told her this man has been married 3 times. And you don't see something wrong with this picture. I told her in the nicest possible way that i could that she is brain dead.

She has just informed when she called last.... That when and if she comes back. It will be to get taryn. GRRRRRR I am just saying she really pisses me off!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Would you believe............

That you can set microwave popcorn on fire?

Well you can. I did it twice. And in one day!
Alls i did was simply put the bag of popcorn into the microwave.
And pushed the popcorn button. And i walked away. A few minutes go by
and i was walking by the microwave. And there's all this black smoke coming out of it!
Of course i yelled What the hell...... And i stopped the microwave and opened the door and more black smoke came barrling out.

So like the dummy that i so am. I reach in there and grab the burning bag of popcorn.
So not a good idea. And i quickly bring it to the kitchen sink, And ran water on it. Not a good thing to do. As it creates way more smoke. And let me tell you it makes the loudest crackling sound in the world.

And my niece taryn still wanted some popcorn!
So i said maybe if i watch it this time it wont start on fire!
And guess what? It so did start on fire once a fucken again!
not only did i do that i also shattered the microwave plate.

Note to self....... Never pop microwave popcorn in my sister's shitty microwave!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

YAY my sister is gone!

My sister left this morning for 2 weeks. And dare i say it. Yes i will YAY!!!!!!!!!
Cuz i so don't need to listen to her costant Bitchen. Frankly it was getting just a little
irrating. I think she found out the hard way yesterday morning. It wasnt even 6 a.m. and alls i can here is her irrating voice as loud as ever playing with our mom's dog charlie.

And from what my mom said geez faye i didn't think you could move that fast.
She said one minute you were laying still dead to the world. And in less then 2 seconds you were jumping off of the couch. Yelling fuck can you be more fucken irrating! And my sister laughing oh did i wake you up. Well no shit!

I have 3 sisters and only one of them can piss me off big time. My other 2 sisters are not that irrating. Dawn used to poke at me when i was sleeping. But that was because i scared her by sleeping for 12 plus hours. When she poked me i jumped about a foot. And she says oh good your okay. at least she wakes me up nicely. I will give her that.

But dawn used to put honey all over my toes when we were growing up.
And don't let me forget when dawn and our cousin scott would squeeze vitamin e in my mouth when i was sleeping. They did this cuz i would come home from a party drunk and i would pass out on the couch. they would torture me like that. And i always woke up to my dog max licking my toes. He liked honey. The best one that they did was writing on my face with permanant marker saying i like to give head. This did not go over well with our parents.

That reminds me of what one of dawn's exes did to me about 5 years ago. i was minding my own business. By sleeping i did this alot since i worked from 9pm to 6am and her boyfriend at the time donnie decided to come into my room and he then puts a corn cob in my mouth and takes a few pictures of me sleeping with this corn cob in my mouth. If you havent figured it out yet. I sleep with my mouth wide open. And yes i drool big time. I don't have the pictures thank god. But donnie does. i am going to stop at that.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A whole lot of Nuffen!

That's right i have a whole lotta of nuffen to write about.
It's gloomy and raining out. And kind of chilly and since i
didn't get a whole lot of sleep last night. I am slightly on the
crabby side.

The highlight of my day is when i told mt sister bobbie that
all she does is bitch. And we got into this way huge arguement cuz she wanted
me to clean her room. If you seen her room you would know why i so did not
want to clean her room. After we were done with the arguement i storm over to
the pantry closet whip open the door and start grabbing garbage bags. And i started
to stomp my way to her room. She jumps in front of me and says no stay out of my room.

I say in the nicest possible way for her to get out of my way.
She refused so i did the next best thing and i grabbed her and hugged her
which she hates. And said if you don't get out of my way i will lick your face.

She said you would'nt dare. I said oh yes i would
needless to say she did not believe me. And i licked her cheek.
Not only once but three times. And i said I love you!!
And then i kissed her cheek.

This made her cry! So after about 4 hours i actually
think i found the floor. At least i think i did. I told her she was paying me hazard pay!
She did not think that was funny.

I said you know i just cleaned your room.
And your damn cat hannah pisses on me on a daily basis.

All in all i really truly think that i so do need a stiff drink.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Riding in the truck with my dad!

Riding in my father's truck is not fun.

My dad took me to get my state identification today. Which was real fun.
The 10 mile ride just about made me faint. My dad had the heat blasting
to the point. Where you can't breathe and i didn't dare roll down a window.
I figured dad must be cold. So i just sat there telling myself were almost there.

We got to the Goverenment center.
And i go to walk in and there are two wright county deputies
standing there. One went thru my purse. And the other one had me take
everything out of my pockets. So I did all of this and try to proceed thru the
metal detector. The one deputy keep asking me if i had any knifes in my pockets.
And i just gave him a weird look and said no i dont have any knives in my pockets.

I did say oh yeah but i do have 3 metal pins in my hip. He said that's what is
making the alarm go off. And i finally got to go thru. I got to the DMV and filled
out all of my paper work that they needed. And the lady said to look at the top of the camera.
So i did and she said okay smile pretty. Yeah right!

I get blinded big time.
And the lady asked me if this photo is okay.

I said yeah i guess. Since alls i can see is spots of bright lights.
I hope that it was okay. From what i could see of it. Looks like a mug shot.
I have lots of mug shots. lol

I get back out to the truck and my dad said to me
i thought they came and got you. (the wright county jail is also in the same building)
He must of seen the deputies at the door. I said umm no why would they do that.
We won't get into that right now.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Ummm Yeah.....

Okay i don't know what i did wrong. With that survey i just took. It shouldn't look like that. What can i say.... I was having a blonde moment. Plus i am not very good at copying and pasting. And that;s my story and i am sticking to it. So you will have to read it all bunched up like that. Until i can master the copy paste thing.

Here is another survey

1) Three days from now will you kiss someone?Most likely not!.2) What color are your eyes?green3) What does your third text say?"Don't have a cellular device".4) And who was it from?umm noone.5) Do you like what you see in the mirror?Umm no.6) What are you wearing right now?t-shirt and sponge bob pajama pants.7) What are you most looking forward to?when i get my teeth finished .8) Gotta work today?umm yeah.9) Have you kissed anyone on the lips within the past 7 hours?, umm again no.10) Have you ever been awake for 48 hours?.yes.11) Do you like your first name?umm no. would you like to have my name..12) Do you like to cuddle?Yes ".13)What are you listening to?,the tv14) What are your initials?FDH15) Baseball or football? neither16) Married?No never why would i do that..17) Favorite kind of blanket?The one my son justin made for me for christmas i call it my wolfie blanket.. 18) What's your biggest fear? Umm my biggest fear is MICE. They are oh so very icky... And i hate being the one to dispose of them ewe or being chased by them.19) How do you feel about chocolate-covered strawberries? They are yummy .20) What kind of soap do you use?Victoria secrets love spell.21.)Europe or the Caribbean?Europe.22) How do you feel about racism?No comment.23) Who is the sexiest person alive? Well its a toss up. between Nicolas cage and Jared. Nah i would have to say it is most definetly Patrick swayze..25) Name a song that reminds you of old memories?I would say prince but alot of my friends i partyed with liked him. So i would have to say Reo Speedwagon Boston And Journey.. 26) Do you like the color gray?No not really 27)Is there anyone you can't stop thinking about?. Umm Yeah but i won't say his name in fear that julian may chew my butt for it. Not to mention a few others might as well..28) Look outside, how's the weather?. Well its night time. It's kinda of chilly. Besides i live in minnesota. And that should say it all. 29) Are you jealous of anyone right now?Do you really want me to answer that. You might not like what i have to say. And i will leave it at that.30) Did you ever think someone didn't like you, but came to find out they really didYeah right..31) Last time you ate grilled cheese?. Ummm last week and it was yummy.. 32) Name something great that happened today? I spent the day with my boys. 33) Do you regret doing something today?Umm no.34) When you think of the rainbow, what pops in your head?Rainbow bright...35) How are you feeling? Good..36) Do you watch the Oscars?. When i remember too i haven't in a long time.37) Favorite movie?I just watched National Treasure and that's now on my list of favorites. And i also watched a movie called Crossroads and i am most definetly not going to ever watch it again .39) Desktop or Laptop?Desktop.40) Would you date someone 10 years older than you?Umm Yes i only date men older then me.41) What would you do if your significant other wanted to go into the military?I don't have a significant other, Where the fuck is #42?43) What's your dream car?Anything Have you lost contact with someone you wish you didn't?.Yeah 45) List one fact about you?I So do like Bubble Wrap. lol46) Do you think you're old?. No... But my 15 year old son points out to me that my hair is silver.Love ya Butts..47) Are you afraid of the dark?It depends on where i am at. But most of the time no.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Happy Mother's Day, To All

When i woke up this morning i got the biggest surprise. My two youngest boys came to see me! This made my day. I got my mother's day gifts from them and i will cherish them for all time. At least one of the gifts. Zach my 16 year old gave me a pack of camels. And said happy mothers day. (Which i needed them) And that meant i didn't need to get out of my sponge bob pajama pants, Big plus And my youngest son justin got me a car yes a car and a pack of trident gum. The car he got me is a collector. He got me the general lee (Dukes of Hazzard) and it's not the kind of car that you can drive. (justin is 15) and got his mom a hot wheels.

My son the comedian. But this gift made me so very happy. When he gave it to me and i said oh butts you do love your mom. As he is saying okay mom you can let go now. And butts has been justin's nick name since he was 2 years old.

I hope that everyone has a great mother's day!!!!!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Here you go jared.

1.Your rock star name (first pet, current car): max sable 2.Gangsta name (favorite ice cream flavor, favorite type of shoe): cookie dough phat farm.3.Your Native American name (favorite color, favorite animal): green dog.4.Star Wars name (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 of your first name): Hou Fa 5.Your Superhero name (2nd favorite color, favorite drink): Purple Dew.6.NASCAR name (the first names of your grandfathers): Arvo Donald 7.TV weather anchor name (your 5th grade teacher’s last name, a major city that starts with the same letter): Strande Seattle .8.Spy name (your favorite season/holiday, flower):Summer Easter Lady slipper . 9.Cartoon name: (favorite fruit, article of clothing you’re wearing right now):Kiwi Shorts .10.Hippie name (What you ate for breakfast, your favorite tree): .Toast Norway Pine

Thursday, May 8, 2008

How i got my blogspot name

I finally got my own blog. My good friend julian help me come up with the name. She actually came up with the name after throwing out a few of them. Julian came up with the following. Fayebirds stories, Fayebirds corner, Fayebirds follies, Fayebirds worm, And even naughty fayebird. I don't have alot to write about. But i just figured i would do it. Since my good friends Jared and Julian i would of never of done this. Plus i thought it would be a good place to write down how i was feeling. When i am having one of those days. My picture is of my tattoo. My sister dawn's boyfriend got it for me. He wanted me to get a horny toad. Cuz Nelson said that i am a horny old toad. But i didn't want something that ugly on me. Nelson said okay then i want you to get a tree frog. Because you hop from man to man..... This i could live with so he picked out the tree frog and the color of it.... I was hoping he would go with green. Cuz green is one of my favorite colors. But since he didn't i can live with orange. In fact orange is growing on me alot.... I can't wait for my next tattoo. Jared has helped me on what i am getting. He has to send me a picture of it. (hint......hint......hint) okay it's getting late. And i don't want to bore you ant longer. So good night all. Or if your jared good morning.